House Relocation

House Relocation

Levatech offers small-scale house relocation services (strategic relocation on your property). Trust us with your house relocation project.

House Relocation
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514 316-2341

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House Moving Services by the Experts

While houses are often considered immovable, it is possible to move them, sometimes necessary, depending on the work to be done.

At Levatech, we specialize in house lifting and house moving on a small scale, offering the possibility to move your home on your own land.

Why Move a House?

House moving can be essential for various reasons.

  • Adding foundations or a basement: If your house lacks foundations or a basement and you wish to add them, moving the house, building the foundations, and then placing the house back is often the most efficient solution.
  • Reducing exposure: Permanently moving the house on the same property can be a solution if your home is too close to a busy street or shoreline.
  • Eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness: House moving is also more environmentally friendly and cost-effective than demolition and reconstruction.

What Types of Houses Can Be Moved?

In principle, any house, whether a three-story brick house or a log cabin, can be moved. However, the cost of the work will vary considerably depending on the size and complexity of the building. The structure must be in good condition to be successfully moved.

Why Choose Levatech?

  • Experience and expertise: With years of experience in house lifting and moving, our team has the expertise to handle your project, regardless of size and complexity.
  • Professional project management: We manage each project with meticulous planning, efficient coordination, and careful monitoring to ensure a smooth process from start to finish.
  • Customized assessment: Every project is unique, so we offer a personalized evaluation of your house moving needs, considering your specific goals.
  • High standards: Levatech is committed to upholding the industry's highest standards of safety, quality, and regulatory compliance. We aim for excellence at every stage of the process.
  • Attention to detail: Our team pays meticulous attention to every project, ensuring that every detail is considered, from the initial lift to the final reinstallation.
  • Precision equipment: We have state-of-the-art lifting and moving equipment to guarantee each operation's accuracy and safety.
  • Excellent customer service: Our dedication to exceptional service begins with attentive listening to your needs. Our friendly and devoted team is here to address all your questions and concerns at every stage of the process.
  • Free quote: At Levatech, we believe in transparency. We provide a comprehensive and free quote for your house moving project so that you can make informed decisions.

At Levatech, we take pride in our commitment to excellence, safety, and customer satisfaction. Choose quality and trust with Levatech for your house moving project.

The Steps of House Moving

House moving involves several essential steps:

  1. Permit application: It is crucial to check permit requirements with your municipality, as procedures vary from place to place.
  2. Plumbing and electricity: A plumber and an electrician intervene to cut off water and electricity to the house before moving.‍
  3. Site preparation: The destination site must be prepared, sometimes involving uprooting trees or making other adjustments.‍
  4. House lifting: The structure is lifted using piles and placed on a structure that allows it to be moved.‍
  5. Final installation: New foundations are built at the final location, and the house is placed back on its foundations. Electrical and plumbing connections are restored, and if necessary, work such as jointing and painting is completed.

House moving is a complex task that requires the expertise of professionals. Feel free to contact us to learn more about this service and discuss your house moving project.

Choose quality, safety, and trust with Levatech for your house moving project.


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