January 24, 2024

Best Tips for Moving a House Stress-Free

Here are our best tips for moving a house with peace of mind—everything you need to know for a smooth transition.

Best Tips for Moving a House Stress-Free

Best Tips for Moving a House Stress-Free

Moving is a significant milestone in life, but what if your move involves an entire house? Yes, you heard that right; moving an entire house is possible.

Whether for renovation purposes or a change of location on your property, moving a house can seem like a monumental task. How can you move your home without a hassle? Proper preparation is key. 

Here are the ten best tips for moving a house stress-free.

1. Hire Professionals

Before embarking on the adventure of house relocation, enlisting experienced professionals is essential. Look for companies specializing in house moving. Their expertise will ensure that the process moves along safely and efficiently.

2. Obtain Necessary Permits

Follow all legal procedures and obtain the required permits before starting.

3. Prepare the House

Empty the house of its contents. This reduces the total weight and helps prevent damage to items inside. Also, ensure that doors and windows are securely closed and locked.

Before lifting the house, the contractor disconnects all equipment and elements connected to the basement or ground floor that are interconnected between floors. It's imperative to ensure that all electrical, plumbing, ventilation, central vacuum, and wall partitions are completely independent of the basement to avoid structural damage or damage to different components during the lifting phase.

4. Reinforce Foundations

Before the move, professionals will strengthen the house's foundations to make it sturdy and ready to be lifted. This ensures the house remains intact during the move.

5. Protect the Exterior

To prevent damage to the house's structure during the move, it's essential to protect the exterior. This may include setting up temporary barriers to prevent collisions with other objects.

6. Prepare the Route

Even if the house is changing locations on the same property, its route must be carefully prepared. Professionals will ensure that the path is clear of obstacles and that the ground is strong enough to support the weight of the house.

7. Monitor the Process

During the move, make sure to stay informed about the progress. Professionals will keep you updated on each step, but it's crucial that you're present to make decisions if necessary.

8. Perform an Inspection After the Move

Once the house is at its new location, conduct a thorough inspection to ensure no damage occurred. This includes both the interior and exterior of the house.

9. Prepare for Reinstallation

After the move, you may need to make adjustments to the house, including reconnecting water, electricity, and other services. Check with the contractor who performed the move if they offer a turnkey service.

10. Finish the Job

Depending on your agreement with your contractor, there may be finishing work to do in the basement after moving your house, such as taping and painting.

Moving a house may seem daunting, but it can be done smoothly with the right team and preparations. By discussing with your contractor and following these practical tips for moving houses, you'll be on the path to a seamless transition to your new house location.

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